

The Good Life: Lessons from the World's Longest Scientific Study of Happiness

What makes for a happy life, a fulfilling life? A good life?

According to the directors of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, the longest scientific study of happiness ever conducted, the answer to these questions may be closer than you realize.

Translated into over 30 languages. Available worldwide.

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What makes a good life?

Lessons from the longest study on happiness.
Get a preview from the 9th most watched TED talk of all time.

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What might you learn from our book? 

What thousands of life histories tell us about what’s really important in life

What social fitness is and how to exercise it

Why happiness is not something you achieve

What factors in early childhood shape happiness in mid- and late- life

The W.I.S.E.R. model of reacting to emotionally challenging situations

The unexpected benefits of having a close colleague at work

The steps you can take today to live a happier life

What makes a life fulfilling and meaningful?

The stronger our relationships, the more likely we are to live happy, satisfying, and overall healthier lives.

In fact, the Harvard Study of Adult Development reveals that the strength of our connections with others can predict the health of both our bodies and our brains as we go through life.

The personal stories of participants in the Harvard Study and the Study’s key findings are bolstered by research findings from many other studies and from ancient wisdom.
Relationships in all their forms—friendships, romantic partnerships, families, coworkers, tennis partners, book club members, Bible study groups—all contribute to a happier, healthier life.

And as The Good Life shows us, it’s never too late to strengthen the relationships you have, and never too late to build new ones.

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